Monday, December 10, 2007

Exterior House Improvement

Before / After

On all sides of the house there was a wooded area. The house needed to be painted and the hedges needed to be trimmed back in order to get a view of the house.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Barn Conversion into Living Quarters

Before / After

The exterior walls and ceilings on this barn were insulated, sheetrocked, finished and painted. Laminated wooden floors were layed down.

Barn Conversion into Living Quarters

Before / After

Before: The floor and the walls in this barn were unleveled and the walls were without insulation.
After: Sheetrock was hung on the wall, the laminated floors were laid down and the whole house was painted.

Barn Conversion into Living Quarters

Before / After

Barn Conversion into Living Quarters

Before / After

Friday, December 7, 2007

Restoration of the Living Room

Before /After

Before: This house needed rehab. The plaster, wallpaper, floor, doors and walls were totally destroyed.
After: New sheetrock was hung on all the walls. The ceilings and walls were sanded and repainted. The existing wood floor was sanded and painted. The electrical wires and water pipes were replaced. This living room has a new ceiling fan/light fixture. All the windows were replaced.

Giving the Hallway a New Look

Before / After

Before: This house needed rehab. The plaster, floor, doors and walls were totally destroyed.
After: New sheetrock was hung on the walls. The ceilings and walls were sanded and repainted. The existing wood floor was sanded and painted. The electrical wires and water pipes were replaced.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Refurbishing the Dining Room

Before / After

Before: The walls and ceilings had plaster and wallpaper. They were totally deteriorated.
The same walls and ceilings have hung sheetrock, spackling and paint.

Beautifing the Living Room

Before / After

The floor, plaster, wallpaper and windows were repaired and replaced in this living room. Sheetrock was hung on all the walls and they were finished and painted. The old oak wooden floors were sanded and painted with polyurethane.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Washroom / Laundry Room

The washroom / laundry room was built completely new. These imported ceramic tiles from Italy were placed throughout the entire shower. The underfloor water radiant heating system was installed.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Brightly - Lit Living Room

The finished product of a living room that was renovated with Sheetrock, a new chandelier and a new replaced window. The room was painted a dusty flat green.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Stairs Renovation

Before / After

Before / After

These statirs have new sheetrock, a light fixture and the the whole area was painted.